Thursday, December 12, 2013


seriously. why do people judge others? who's give you the power to judge someone? You have no idea what they have been through.Or maybe you judging them because you realize that their life better than you, they dressed better than you, their rides better than you, their jobs better than you or you don't have a loving family like them? you judging people because you couldn't be like them? this is sick! Do you ever think that when you judging people maybe they will take it seriously every words you say. you ugly, you fat, go and kill yourself, you are worthless, you stupid, you fake, you slut by saying something like that to people you don't really know their stories makes you feel better about yourself? I gotta tell you people are disgusting! You see that girl over there that constantly cry without any reason, yes the one you call 'freak' but you didn't know that she just lost both of her parents in car crash.How about that girl that you call her 'weirdo' but you didn't know that she was been raped.That girl you thought she was attention seekers , she cut herself but you didn't know that she depressed and need help. why don't you help them instead of judging them?You see that girl who smile all the time like she don't have any problem the one you call her 'slut' is the same girl who cries at night to sleep. You don't know their stories how can you judge them? You call her 'fat' but you didn't know that she starved herself trying to be perfect and thanks to you she is now bulimic. Nobody's perfect.why would you think you're so perfect? for me you're so fake! you judge people who way better than you. Do you think it's funny when someone attempt suicide because of your act? "you're a useless bitch" when she's home, she think again what you said earlier and think maybe they were right, i'm useless, nobody loves me, I should kill myself. The next morning her mother trying to wake her up to school and found her dead, with rope around her neck! Her parents have no idea what happened to her daughter. She killed herself because of your words. So technically you are a murderer. The sad thing is the person who judging you is your own friend. "There's a story behind every person. There's a reason why they're they way they are stop judging."

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

#17:- Never Give Up

If you're still looking for a happy ending I suggest you start searching for a new beginning.
 Realizing that there are huge differences between giving up and moving on is a huge part of becoming mature in life. 
A person with a considerable amount of wisdom is a person that knows when it is time to let something or someone go out of their lives.
Not every one knows every single answer to every problem, and yes sometimes people make mistakes by leaving a situation to early, or staying in a bad situation for too long, 
but those who just seem to know the right time for a need in the change of scenery, are those who are willing to listen to their heart. 
It is important to think about our decisions in life and to weigh them against our past experiences and so forth, but there are times when we just have to be willing to listen to what is being said in the deepest part of our heart.