Thursday, February 13, 2014

2014!!!! it's all about me me me me me! :D

So, today i taknak speaking london lah..i nk ckp bahasa ibunda..waah. hehe.. pejam celik,pejam celik dh masuk bulan 2(FEB) tahun 2014 cepat masa berlalu rs mcm smlm bru celebrate new year, kononya la kan padahal celebrate new year dlm mimpi je.haha. 2014 ni i nk mulakan hidup baru, semuanya baru2 lah kan and guess what, i dh masuk kolej! dekat dgn rumah plk tu lg far so good la kt kolej tu dapat ramai kawan..kawan2 plk semuanya best2 takde yg sombong tp ade la 2 3 org tu ntah pape je.haha x kesah la..asalkan dia tak kacau hidup i.. Lg.....i dapat buah hati kt! haha..Setelah sekian lama kne bleter dgn ibu akhirnya ank ksygan dh continue study...cewaahh..first day at college mmg nervous sbb takut takde mmbr mcm2 feeling la rasa pastu ada satu mamat ni msuk kelas srious aku takut tgk dia sbb badan dia 'tough' pkai plk bju fit nk bertentang mata pon seram.haha tp sebenarnya dia baik tgk je mcm garang tp hati lembut..i repeat hati lembut bukan dia lembut.. memandangkan dh msuk topik mamat 'tough' ni...ehem.. dia lah buah hati i.. haha ♥☺ Nama dia mula dgn huruf S,korang tak pyh la tahu full name dia tak famous pn.. google pon takkan ada. hehe. So, first time jumpa/sembang ms bt study group, hri tu lah dri mata jatuh ke hati..i tak pernah rs selesa dgn mmbr laki sblom ni sbb i skolah dgn Mr.S ni srious i rs lain, otak ni dok bayang mcm2 dh..haha.. then ktorg pg hiking, bukan berdua la dgn mmbr skali...dh jmpa skali rs nk jmpa berkali2 plk.. Mr.S ni sweet, then pkai braces plk lg sexy and smart too..tak lupa bju fit dia and badan berketul2 tu. hehe klau blh semua assignment nk bt dgn dia..sembang pnya sembang bru i tau dia jenis mcm mna, nk kenal hati budi msing2 la knon yg i kurang pcaya bila first time dia ckp dia model. hahaha srious i tak tahan nk gelak stelah dia tnjok picture2 dia i terpegun seketika...cair i tgk. haha ♥☺
Mr.s pujaan hati

benda betulnya ktorg suka sama suka tp malu nk ckp, ye la takkan i plk nk kne pg mngaku kt dia plk, syok diam2 sudah Mr.S ni cemburu bila i dekat dgn org la, dh tak bgtau mn lah i nk tahu u suka i..hahaha nasib baik tak melepas..akhirnya dia luahkan perasaan walaupun bukan face to face just kt wechat pon jd la..apa lg hati i berbunga2 la ms tu. haha so, now ktorg together la apa lg.hehe (to be continued) ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Don't wait for the perfect moment,take the moment and make it perfect

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

#20:- Every Man Needs A Woman When His Life Is A Mess

Every man needs a woman when his life is a mess, because just like in a game of chess; the queen protects the king.
Being there for the people that you love is one of the most crucial things that you can do to show them that they are loved in their time of need. 
True love is about being there when it is necessary for you to do so, and not just when it is most convenient. The moments that you were there for someone in their time of need are the moments that they will hopefully remember most. 
Being a shoulder for a loved one to lean on and cry on may mean everything in the world to that person, and we must never take this for granted. 
Though being there may actually be a huge inconvenience for you, since it may cause you to lose out on the things in your life that are currently important at the present time, the good memories that you helped to make yourself a part of not only may help the person that you are sacrificing for at the moment to feel better, it may also inspire them to be there for you and other peers in their times of need as well.<3

Thursday, February 6, 2014

#19:- Normal People Don't Go Around Destroying Other Human Beings

If someone treats you like shit, just remember that there is something wrong with them, not you.

If you ever want to truly respect yourself you have to be willing to remember that your worth is infinite in value. We are all priceless, and just because someone else can't see it does not at all mean that we should invest all of our time into trying to convince them otherwise. 
It is not your duty to try and convince everyone else that you are great. 
It is your duty to become the greatest at whatever it is that you may do. 
It is your duty to work as hard as possible at everything from your relationships, your work, and your education. The ignorance of someone else can only affect your life if you allow it to. 
You have the power to go wherever it is that you want to go, and you dont have to have anyone else's belief but your own sometimes to overcome lifes greatest hurdles.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

#18:- Life Is Too Short To Start Your Day With Broken Pieces Of Yesterday

Life is too short to start your day with broken pieces of yesterday, it will definitely destroy your wonderful today and ruin your great tomorrow!
If we are ever going to make the best out of our everyday lives, we have to live in the moment as much as possible. 
How often do you make every day the best day you possibly can make it. How often do you set a goal for each day, and then go out and achieve it? 
Every day, the happiest people in the world don't complain about what they do or where they are, 
they appreciate what they have, and they appreciate that they still have the ability to do more, to go farther than they have ever been. 
Making the best of each day means that you will have to forget about the memories in your past that only weigh you down, and that looking too far forward in the future isn't where your focus should be either. 
Make the best of each day, vow to become better as each day comes.