Tuesday, February 11, 2014

#20:- Every Man Needs A Woman When His Life Is A Mess

Every man needs a woman when his life is a mess, because just like in a game of chess; the queen protects the king.
Being there for the people that you love is one of the most crucial things that you can do to show them that they are loved in their time of need. 
True love is about being there when it is necessary for you to do so, and not just when it is most convenient. The moments that you were there for someone in their time of need are the moments that they will hopefully remember most. 
Being a shoulder for a loved one to lean on and cry on may mean everything in the world to that person, and we must never take this for granted. 
Though being there may actually be a huge inconvenience for you, since it may cause you to lose out on the things in your life that are currently important at the present time, the good memories that you helped to make yourself a part of not only may help the person that you are sacrificing for at the moment to feel better, it may also inspire them to be there for you and other peers in their times of need as well.<3

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