Tuesday, May 27, 2014

#22:- TRUST

If someone hurts you, betrays you, or breaks your heart forgive them, for they have helped you learn about trust and the importance of being cautious when you open your heart.

In life there is a lesson to be learned in all of your victories and all of your defeats. Don't let things like failed relationships bring you down or stop you from ever wanting to trust another human being again. Forgive those who have abused your trust, those who are supposed to be with you but act as if they are against you, those who have been willing to not only break your heart, but willing to betray you as well. These are the people who have helped you the most, because these are the people who have taught you who and how to trust, when to be cautious, warning signs of someone who is becoming untrustworthy, and ultimately they have helped you to determine in the future who to open your heart to, and who not to as well. One thing that is easy to do in this world is run from new challenges, and run from new relationships in an effort to preserve us from damage. In actuality this often causes more heartache because the weights of dealing with loneliness, especially when dealing with the stress that life produces will weigh on a single person heavily.Start trusting. Of course it is always necessary to use your instincts to help prevent yourself from harmful situations, but you must be willing to keep a positive mindset when it comes to interacting with new friends. Just be willing to keep an open mind and you will find that life has so much more depth than you maybe once thought.
Live your life, don't let the feelings of hurt and pain live your life for you, use your wisdom from your experiences but never let them hold you back from seeing greatness. 

Friday, May 23, 2014

MAY : All in one :) :(

Welcome May! haha dh hjung bulan bru nk welcome.. biasa lah agak busy dgn final smpai lupa tarikh :p I believe this is my second entry this year about ME. eh ye ke... hentam je la.. so within this 5 months byk bnde yg aku blajar.. byk bnde yg x sngka akn jd.. happy, sad, frust..sumenye cmpur skali..huhu.. tak nak lah pjg2 nk cite psal sad2 story nk cite yg happy2 je...

So, after a year (myb) someone yg aku xpnh putus harapan tggu, mimpi siang malam, cewaah.. akhirnya msg kt fb, walaupun stakat kata "happy birthday" ia sgt bermakna..haha. U tau x I tggu u pnye lame..mne U pg? huhu. Well, actually x blh nk blame dia 100% coz it's my fault .. the last time aku msg dia aku yg kata jgn cari aku lg..so dia bt apa yg disuruh je. haha at least dia ingt jgk birthday aku.. pnye excited dpt msg tu smpai nk mkn pn x lalu dh..mle2 nk bt la jual mahal tp x blh la.. I rindu U sgt2..I ingt U dh kahwin :p haha. ok3.enough. xD. Dari msg "happy birthday" tu smpai skrg x putus msg, bgaikan msg tu makanan harian...msti msg jgk2.. dari Good Morning smpai lah Good Night x jemu2... hehe..weekend je msti keluar tgk wyg, jejalan buang ms lepas rindu gitu. haha. If you read this, I just wanna let you know that I love you so much, please don't leave.. :(.

Before I end this entry, awak(you know who).. please forgive me all things that I've done to you. apa yg I bt tu mmg x ptt and I keep blaming you for everything when I know It's my fault maybe I tak bersedia nk serious with anyone yet, I hope you understand.. Never meant to break your heart I'm not that 'kind' of girl if you know what I mean . Thank you for coming into my life and giving me joy, thank you for loving me and receiving my love in return. Thank you for the memories I will cherish forever.  I know how it feels but in time your heart will heal and you`ll move on. I hope you find someone better than me, deserve you, treat you right.This is goodbye.