Thursday, July 25, 2013

#10:- There Are Things That We Don't Want To Happen But Have To Accept

There are things that we don't want to happen but have to accept, things we don't want to know but have to learn, and people we can't live without but have to let go.
In life we have to learn that sometimes it is best to let go of certain things that truly aren't for us. 
So many of us fight battles that we know will not 
produce any positive effect, 
and battles that we know won't help us at all to win the wars in life that we are destined to win. 
When we indulge in things that we are not 
supposed to indulge in, when we fight for things that 
God doesn't want for us, 
we do nothing but get farther away from where we are supposed to be in life. 
Don't miss out on a great relationship because you want to hold on to a relationship that will never work. 
Don't miss out on a great opportunity 
because you are scared to let go of a position that leaves you with nothing more than being stable or secure. 
Be fearless in your resolve, learn to let go!

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